The slaughterhouse ban on the November 2024 ballot in Denver is a misguided and unfair approach that would have devastating consequences.

This measure targets a 70-year-old business and forces it to shut down–that’s just wrong.

Banning one Denver business won’t improve animal welfare in Colorado. But it will eliminate 160 well-paying jobs with benefits, jeopardizing the well-being of not just the employees, but of their children and families as well.

Unfair to Employees and Families:

The Denver slaughterhouse is an employee-owned company that has been a staple in the community for 70 years. This ban would force the closure of the business, eliminating 160 well-paying jobs with benefits, and jeopardizing the well-being of not just the employees, but their children and families as well.

Plant Employee Owners
Composite photo of families eating a meal and someone checking out at the grocery store

Costly for Consumers:

The cost of food is already too high in Denver and this ban will make it even worse, especially for low-income families.

This ban would increase the cost of food in Denver, particularly for low-income families who already struggle to afford groceries. It would also harm local restaurants, butchers, and grocery shoppers, who would be forced to pay more for meat shipped from out of state, which is not a sustainable practice.

Composite photo of families eating a meal and someone checking out at the grocery store

Bad for the Economy and Taxpayers:

A recent study by the Regional Economic Development Institute at Colorado State University estimates that this ban would result in a negative impact of $861 million in current economic activity and 2,787 jobs lost. Read the study here. The measure also is a significant burden on Denver taxpayers, who would be left with the bill for millions of dollars in legal costs and compensation.

Cargo Ship

Harmful for the Environment:

Banning a local food source is a big mistake for our planet. By forcing us to buy food from overseas, we’re increasing carbon emissions and hurting the environment. Denver’s local food scene is all about being sustainable and reducing our impact.

denver skyline