The slaughterhouse ban on the ballot in Denver this November unfairly targets a single employee-owned business and forces 160 employees out of a company they own.

Banning a single Denver business won’t improve animal welfare, but it will have devastating consequences for the local economy and increase food prices.

Wrong for Working Families:

Thousands of people will lose their jobs if this measure passes. Over 160 employee-owners at Denver’s only slaughterhouse will lose their jobs and benefits. A ban could also threaten more than 2,700 jobs including independent ranchers, truckers, distributors, retailers, butchers, and restaurant owners and employees.

Plant Employee Owners
Composite photo of families eating a meal and someone checking out at the grocery store

Wrong for Animal Welfare:

Banning a single Denver business won’t make things better.  A ban on one business is just the wrong approach.

Denver’s only slaughterhouse produces Halal-certified meat, which is based on humane treatment throughout the entire lifecycle of the animal in accordance with Muslim religious traditions.

Bad for the Economy, Consumers and Environment:

A recent Colorado State University study found that the proposed slaughterhouse ban could cost our economy up to $861 million and threaten more than 2,700 jobs.

The cost of a ban will be passed on to consumers. The additional cost of shipping more of Denver’s food supply from further away– increasing carbon emissions and making our food supply chain less sustainable.

Cargo Ship